Frequently Asked Questions…

  • How do I get started?

    Getting Started with Reformer: Please contact us to book your pre-requisite private lesson. See the “class schedule” tab.

    Getting Started with Group Mat and Yoga Classes: Please register through MindBody link on our “class schedule” tab.

  • Do I need experience?

    None! Our instructors are highly trained with extensive experience in working with students of all abilities. If you are a pre-natal or post-natal student or you are recovering from surgery, recently diagnosed with chronic illness or acute injury please reach out so we can assist you in class selection.

  • Do you offer free classes?

    Our instructors are highly trained professionals in the field of movement science. Their time and expertise are always compensated.

    Center Street Studios offers free and discounted classes to students in need and covers the cost of classes for our regular students who suffer sudden hardships.

    Throughout the year we offer fundraising classes and events to benefit our community. We have raised thousands of dollars to support causes all around the city of Manassas, Manassas Park, Prince William and Fauquier Counties.

  • How much do your classes cost?

    Mat-Based Classes (Mat Pilates, Yoga, Etc):

    $18 single drop in
    $80 five class pass
    $150 ten class pass.

    Reformer Pilates Instruction:

    Private Session $80
    Duet $40/per person
    Trio $35/pp
    Group $30/pp

  • When are your classes?

    We offer lessons and classes 7 days a week. Please see the tab labeled “Studio Schedule”.

  • What do I need to bring?

    We have all the equipment you’ll need right here in the studio! Make sure to bring water to stay hydrated, but otherwise we have you covered!

    If you are joining from home, we suggest setting up in a well-lit room where you are comfortable moving. You will need space for your mat and some space around your mat to take class safely. We suggest having a yoga blanket or beach towel at each lesson.

  • What should I wear?

    Keep it comfortable! Most of our students wear leggings or sweatpants, as sometimes the equipment makes wearing shorts uncomfortable. Please limit jewelry on our equipment. Watches with metal bands and clasps are not allowed.

    Socks are required for safety on the pilates apparatus, and are available for purchase in the studio.

  • What's it like to take online class?

    We strive to offer the level of instruction you would experience in our studio. In that way, you can expect an interactive virtual lesson experience. Log in, say hi, and interact! If you prefer not to leave your sound on, please feel free to use the chat function. Your instructor will be watching your video during your lesson, offering you personalized instruction and cueing, and is always available for questions.

Ask us Anything!